Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Cilantro Buttermilk Dressing

Growing up on a farm in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by gravel roads and miles away from our closest neighbors, it was a long trip to a regular grocery store. So grocery shopping was something we did very infrequently and when done, we stocked up on the necessities. Now that I like in a town with several grocery stores withing a mile from me, I've become accostume to making a quick trip the second I start craving something or have the urge to whip up a newly discovered recipe, so I've been finding myself trying new things that I normally wouldn't have had access to while living out in the boonies. One of these things is Buttermilk - it's such a mysterious ingredient. My memory of buttermilk is from back when I was a teenager and in wanting to make buttermilk pancakes discovered that the word "Buttermilk" didn't mean that there were butter and milk in the recipe, but that it literally called for something called buttermilk...shows how little I knew! So, without internet, I used the "handy help" guide in the back of a cookbook that said you could make your own buttermilk by putting vinegar in milk and letting it sit for a bit. Sounded horrible and turns out, it tasted horrible too...it turned me off to the whole buttermilk idea for years. Years later, I'm finally getting to know this ingredient and am realizing that it isn't so bad, I think. I made chocolate sheet cake today (recipe to come soon) which called for a bit of buttermilk and now I have half a carton staring at me in the fridge. Every time I open the door I think it's speaking to me, daring me to use it, try something new with it. It's like it's trying to prove to me that it is useful. I finally gave in, made a salad and searched the internet for buttermilk and cilantro (I had left overs of that from my BBQ Chicken pizza, recipe coming soon too) and found a recipe that turned out to tast similar to Cafe Rio's dressing, without the tomatillo's. It's good, just don't put miracle whip in it, you will regret it, I do....

Cilantro Buttermilk Dressing

1/2 cup fresh cilantro leaves
1/2 cup buttermilk
1/4 cup mayonnaise (not miracle whip)
1/8 tsp sugar
3 drops hot pepper sauce

Blend all ingredients together in food processor. Simple as that!